Bibliographic Information
ISSN: 1744-2400
4 printed issues per year
No publication fees
Publication Dates: 30 January;
30 April; 30 July; 30 October; for every year

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News and Events

Sponsored events, conferences, special issues, call for papers, prizes/awards, new services, and any other interesting news will be announced on this page.

Book Reviews: we encourage publishers and authors to submit their books for review, books reviews are published in the printed journal and on web

Tutorials: we encourage authors to submit tutorial material and articles to be published on web. We aim to provide free online supportive resources to researchers.

Advertise With Us: enquiries from industrial sectors and institutes are welcomed. Adverts can be on (link exchange) free of cost basis or subject to some other agreements. Acceptable adverts must be related to MEDJEC's scope in these three categories technology/research/education. Such as new technology or product press releases, grants and scholarships to researchers, training and degree courses, and many others.

Starting from January 2009 and recurring for every new year, the Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications would sponsor and establish the 'Best Author Of The Year' award, to be awarded to author(s) of the best originally contributed work, which will be judged and decided by the Editorial Board Members. Moreover, the author(s) names, photos, and biographies will appear in the online 'Awards Book' .

Starting from January 2009 SoftMotor Ltd is launching new series of Mediterranean Journals in different aspects of engineering and technology, aiming to publish and release first issues of these journals on January 2010, and therefore seeking volunteered editorial members from around the world to steer the new journals and to establish strong international collaboration. Interested members may apply/nominate online.

Next Sponsored Conferences & Venues

CSNDSP 2010 , the 7th IEEE, IET, International Symposium on Communication Systems,
Networks and DSP, 21-23 July 2010, Northumbria University, Newcastle.
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Past Sponsored Conferences & Venues

ICCCP'09 - International Conference On Communication, Computer & Power, will be held in Muscat -Oman during the period February 15-18, 2009.
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ECAI 2009 (Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence), 3-5 July 2009, University of Pitesti, Romania
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HIS 2009 (9th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems), August 12-14th, 2009, Shenyang Liaoning, China.
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2nd ICTON - 'Mediterranean Winter' 2008, December 11-13th, 2008, Kenitra Morocco.
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The CSNDSP 2008: 6th Inter. Symp. on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 23-25 July 2008, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria.

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CSNDSP 2006: 4th Inter. Symp. on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 19-21 July 2006, University of Patras, Greece.
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Computer Simulation in Information and Communication Engineering CSICE'05,Sofia , Bulgaria , 20th - 22th October , 2005.
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Applied Electronics 2007, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
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Analog Signal Processing at Oxford Brooks, United Kingdom.
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