Bibliographic Information
ISSN: 1744-2400
4 printed issues per year
No publication fees
Publication Dates: 30 January;
30 April; 30 July; 30 October; for every year

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The Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications covers - but not limited to:
Communication system theory; information theory; modulation and coding; Network design, planning, routing and management; Analogue electronics, digital electronics and logic; Power electronics, circuit theory and design; MEMs and microsystems, nanoelectronics; Semiconductor technology, superconducting devices; Antennas and radio wave propagation, microwave technology; Microwave circuits and devices, waveguides and waveguide components; Radar and sonar technology, radio navigation and direction finding;Biomedical electronics and techniques, image processing and recognition, image sensors; Speech processing and coding, adaptive signal processing, filtering; Lasers, optical communication systems , optical fibre networks, optical information processing; Telecommunication, multimedia communication; Mobile communication, mobile radio systems, methods and theory; Satellite communication systems, spread spectrum communication.

Papers may be from the following categories:

Design: Present a complete "how-to" guide. Connect design procedures to first principles. Explicitly state necessary heuristics and limits of applicability. Provide evidence that the procedures are practicable.

Analysis: Clearly develop a fundamental, theoretical analysis of a practice-relevant issue. Explicitly state implications and recommendations for its application. Provide credible examples.

Application: Present the results of new (or under-utilized) techniques or novel applications. Provide a complete description of results, including pilot- or plant-scale experimental data, and a revelation of heuristics and shortcomings.


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